In 2011, a small group in Australia started Plastic Free July®, a movement that has now grown to reach millions across the world. To celebrate Plastic Free July®, the Partners In Litter Prevention present the Plastic Pickup Challenge! From July 19th to 25th organizations across our region will be hosting cleanups that members of the public can participate in, or you can go out and clean up your community on your own.

How to get involved
Organizations: Host a Cleanup
Decide on the details of your event (time, date, location, etc.)
Register your event on the PLP Cleanup Map (must be logged in to access)
Follow the PLP Facebook Page and the Plastic Pickup Challenge Facebook event so we can add you as a co-host of the event.
Spread the message with this easy social media toolkit that includes sample posts and graphics you can use for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Donate items for a prize drawing! Cleanup attendees will be entered in the drawing, as well as anyone who posts photos to social media with #PlasticPickupChallenge and #PLP. Items such as stickers, hats, reusable bags, etc. from your organization would be great! If you have giveaways, please contact Cynthia.Clevenger@tceq.texas.gov.
After the cleanup, report your cleanup data to the TX Litter Database, and post your photos and other details about your cleanup to the Facebook event!
Individuals: Attend a Cleanup
Visit the PLP cleanup map and Plastic Pickup Challenge Facebook event to find a cleanup happening near you and register to attend.
Be sure to sign in at the cleanup with your contact information so you can be entered to win one of three prize packages!
Can't make a pre-organized cleanup? Get outside with friends and fafmily and cleanup your neighborhood, local park, or anywhere else you want!
Share photos of your cleanup on social media using the hashtags #PlasticPickupChallenge and #PLP so we can celebrate your efforts and to make sure you're entered in the prize drawing!
Want to learn more about plastic free july®?
Visit www.PlasticFreeJuly.org!