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PLP Working Group Subcommittee Meetings- April 7th, 2021


All meetings will be via Zoom ON APRIL 7th!

  • 1:00 pm, Removal Working Group

  • 1:30 pm, Research Working Group

  • 2:00 pm, Communications Working Group

You must RSVP for the Zoom meeting to get the login information. Please indicate on the RSVP which meeting (s) you wish to attend. If you have already RSVP'd, no worries, you're good!


For this set of calls, we hope to establish some goals for each working group to develop and present at the Trash Summit in May. In the interest of time, we will be reaching out to those that RSVP for the groups to gather project updates.  Project updates will be compiled on the website, and there will be an opportunity at the May Summit to give 5 minute presentation updates. Please email Erin Kinney with any questions or concerns.

5th Annual Meeting - 2021 TRASH SUMMIT- May 5th, 2021

Wednesday, May 5th 9-11 am via Zoom Online Meeting

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4th Annual Meeting- 2020 Trash Summit- April 30th, 2020

Houston-Galveston Regional Litter and Marine Debris Prevention Workshop 5


Due to COVID, the Partners in Litter Prevention held this year’s Trash Summit as a conference call on April 30, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. via Zoom.


To help manage time for the call, partners provided an update and shared pictures that was posted on the PLP website. 

3rd Annual Meeting- 2019 Trash Summit: May 7, 2019​

Our 2019 meeting was held on May 7, 2019 at the Houston Zoo Brown Education Center from 9:30 – 3 pm.

A lot of decisions were made that day! We presented the most recent draft and encouraged members to send final edits. We finalized our geographic scope of the  action plan and decided on our partnership name. Greetings from the newly named Partners in Litter Prevention group! Erin Kinney presented work on HARC's upcoming regional database to collect information on cleanup efforts. Amanda Hackney debuted the Trash Tracker, an online tool where partners can submit information for this regional database. We also heard updates from all partners present and made plans for the upcoming year.


2nd Annual Meeting- 2018 Trash Summit: May 9, 2018


Our third meeting was held at the Houston Zoo and the group finalized Action Plan goals and and Strategies. The group also formed three working groups: Communication, Research,and Removal. These working groups will focus on coordination of groups for each topic. Cody Wittenburg of the City of Fort Worth presented on the Trash Free Trinity effort and partners gave updates on recent events.


See these finalized goals on the  "Our Goals" page.

Next steps going forward:

  • Continue to build partnerships and bring in additional stakeholders who can contribute to preparing the plan and implementing actions. 

  • Establish timeline for releasing the plan

  • Establish timeline for implementing actions

  • Locate funding to speed up process

Follow-up Meeting 2: October 12, 2017


On October 12, 18 partner organizations joined Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) and Black Cat GIS and Biological Services in further discussing and refining goals and subgoals for the Greater Houston-Galveston Trash-Based Aquatic Action Plan.


Our second planning meeting started with a review of where we have been, presentation of next steps, and continued draft of the Plan. These efforts will not only help clean up and prevent trash and marine debris pollution, but also make our home more appealing to residents and visitors.

Partners worked to refine language and determine best fit subgoals for each category.  The new project website ( ) was introduced and the group discussed new features and capabilities they wanted on the site. Post-meeting, partners will register on the website to begin using a member only forum to comment further on subgoals and to begin suggesting and selecting actions for each. 

1st Annual Trash Summit: May 10-11, 2017

HARC and Black Cat GIS and Biological Services co-hosted the 2017 Trash Summit on May 10-11: The Houston-Galveston Regional Litter and Marine Debris Prevention Workshop.


The Workshop was coordinated through a variety of partners, including the Galveston Bay Estuary Program, the Houston Galveston Area Council, Texans for Clean Water, Artist Boat, KPRC Houston and the Houston Zoo. Sponsors for the Summit included Texans for Clean Water, the Houston Zoo, KPRC Houston, Clean Waters Initiative and Shipley Do-nuts.


The Summit occurred at the Houston Zoo in mid-May and included discussions on current success stories of regional trash prevention and removal. The discussion then moved to ideas on developing regional initiatives to Research, Track and Quantify litter, Policy and Funding strategies, Partnership Opportunities, and Communication approaches. Initial steps were taken to developing a regional Action Plan for litter and marine debris prevention. The Summit the was critical first step in coordinating litter and trash efforts regionally.


This webpage was set up to communicate and share our progress as we initiate, develop and begin acting on the Galveston Bay Watershed Aquatic Debris Action Plan:
A regional partnership plan for addressing litter and marine debris. 
Please note the purpose of this action plan is to serve as a guidance document or a central point of reference for improved collaboration and coordination among the multitude of stakeholders across the greater Galveston Bay Watershed to avoid duplication and optimize the efficiency and efficacy of efforts.

The document is not intended to be regulatory or specifically binding on actions or timeframes.

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